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March 19th 2004 - Centenary of the Waikiki Aquarium, O'ahu.

Three stamps and a stamp booklet were issued on March 19th 2004 depicting Hawaiian fish and to celebrate the Centenary of the Waikiki Aquarium.

... Click on the sign at left to view a video of one of the Waikiki Aquarium fish tanks. The 2.2 Mb video will open in a new browser window and will play in Quicktime (Windows or Mac), which is a free software downloadable from www.apple.com

The Waikiki Aquarium, located in Kapi'olani Park at the Diamond Head end of Waikiki Beach, opened in 1904. It is the third oldest public aquarium in the United States and has been a part of the University of Hawai'i since 1919. It is open to the public. For more information visit the aquarium's website.

The $2 stamp (above left) prepays additional postage, such as extra weight. It shows the Kihikihi fish or Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus). It grows up to 8 inches long and is easily identified by it's long third dorsal spine and unique yellow and black stripes. It is found mostly in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean. In the Hawaiian islands, it is found in shallow water and up to 600 feet deep. It is omniverous.

The $5 stamp (above middle) prepays the Overnight rate. It shows the Paku'iku'i fish or Achilles tang (Ancanthurus achilles). It grows from 2 to 10 inches long and is found only around the exposed reefs of the Pacific islands including Hawai'i. It feeds on algae.

The $8 stamp (above right) prepays the Same Day rate. It shows the Humuhumu-nukunuku-a-pua'a or Reef triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus). In 1984, it was voted the state fish of Hawai'i. It grows from 3 to 10 inches long and is found in the Pacific Ocean. In Hawai'i it is found in the shallow outer reefs. It is omniverous.

The special postmark for this issue shows the Nenue fish or Brown Chub (Kyphosus bigibbus).

A Booklet consisting of 3 panes containing 2 x $2, 2 x $5 and 2 x $8 stamps was also issued. Each pane consists of 2 stamps and has a white margin all around. "© 2004 Hawai'i Post" is printed vertically on the lower right side margin & Hawai'i Security Printers, Honolulu, Hawai'i. is printed on the bottom margin of each pane.

The booklet is stapled twice at the left side. The front cover depicts a current photo of the Aquarium and the Hawai'i State fish - humuhumu-nukunuku-a-pua'a. The back cover has a list of the postage rates of Hawai'i Post.

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Technical details of the stamps:
Colors: $2, $5, and $8 stamps - Multicolored
Size: 32mm x 48mm ($2 stamp), 48mm x 32mm ($5 & $8 stamps).
Stamps sheet size: 30. $2 - (6 across, 5 down), $5 & $8 - (5 across, 6 down).
Perforation: 12.
Stamps design: Enelani.
Layout & Pre-press: Enelani.
Printer: Hawai'i Security Printers, Honolulu, Hawai'i.
Printing Method: 4-color (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) printing process.
Sheet margin markings: HAWAI'I POST (top middle), "Traffic Light" showing 4 colors used in printing (lower left side), © 2004 Hawai'i Post (lower right side, upper left side on $8 stamp sheet) & Hawai'i Security Printers, Honolulu, Hawai'i. (bottom middle)
Paper: GPA coated white stock with water-activated gum on the back.

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