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July 3rd 2012. Hawaiian Flowers - Lilies.

Three stamps in a triptych and a minisheet were issued on July 3rd 2012 depicting Hawaiian flowers: lilies.

The $3 stamp (above left) pays for the dufference between the overnight rate and the same day rate. It shows the "Flame Lily" flower (Gloriosa superba).This showy flower has its origins in southern Africa, but is now grown worldwide. Its tendrils allow it to scramble over other plants. The flame-like petals range from yellow to red giving it its name. The leaves of this lily can cause irritation if touched. This toxic plant is used for producing traditional medicines.

The $6 stamp (above center) prepays the Overnight rate. It shows the "Peace Lily" flower (Spathiphyllum) This flower is all white with a yellowish spathe and its origins are in the tropical parts of the Americas. It does best in the shade. It is a great indoor plant because it cleanses the air of contaminants such as benzene. It is also mildly toxic to humans if consumed.

The $9 stamp (above right) prepays the Same Day rate.It shows the "Leopard Lily" flower (Iris domestica).This flower has its origins in China where it is widely used for medicinal purposes. The color ranges from pale yellow to dark orange with bright red spots on its petals. This lily enjoys full sun. It is also called the blackberry lily, because the seed pods resemble blackberries.

The $9 minisheet (above) prepays the Same Day rate. It shows the spectacular "Bird of Paradise" flower (Strelitzia reginae).


The special postmark for this issue (above) depicts a 5-petaled flower.

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Technical details of the stamps and mini-sheet:
Colors: $3, $6 & $9 stampa in a triptych and a $9 minisheet - Multicolored.
Individual stamp size: 31mm x 51mm.
Stamps sheet size: $3, $6 & $9 in a triptych (2 across, 4 down).
Minisheet size - 76mm by 51mm.
Stamps perforated 12, minisheet - imperforate
Stamps design: Enelani.
Layout & Pre-press: Enelani.
Printer: Hawai'i Security Printers, Honolulu, Hawai'i.
Printing Method: 4-color (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) printing process.
Sheet margin markings: HAWAI'I POST (top middle), "Traffic Light" showing 4 colors used in printing (lower left side), © 2012 Hawai'i Post (lower right side) & Hawai'i Security Printers, Honolulu, Hawai'i. (bottom middle)
Paper: GPA coated white stock with water-activated gum on the back.

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