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July 29th 2003. Hawaiian Butterflies and Moths. ![]()
Three stamps were issued on July 29th 2003 depicting butterflies and moths that are endemic to Hawai'i. Only two butterflies are endemic to Hawai'i - Blackburn's Blue and the Kamehameha Butterfly. The only moth in this stamp issue, the Fabulous Green Sphinx, is also endemic to Hawai'i.
The $2 stamp (above left) prepays additional services, such as extra weight. It shows the Blackburn's Blue Butterfly (Udara blackburni). The Hawaiian name is "Koa Pulelehua" as this butterfly is mostly found in the vicinity of Koa trees (Acacia koa) on all the Hawaiian Islands except Kaho'olawe. It is a small butterfly and usually measures about an inch across. The upper wings are usually brown-gray in color. The one depicted on the stamp is from the island of Kaua'i where they are known with shades of purple. The underside of the wings are iridescent green - shown inset on the stamp. The $5 stamp (above middle) prepays the Overnight rate. It shows the Kamehameha Butterfly (Vanessa tameamea) named after King Kamehameha I of Hawai'i. The Hawaiian name is "Lepelepe o Hina". It measures up to 3 inches across and has a colorful design to the wings in reddish brown and orange. The male and female vary only slightly in color which is most pronounced in the color of the upper wing's spots. The female's spots are white or light orange as depicted on the stamp. The spots on the male are all orange. This butterfly is found on all the Hawaiian Islands except Kaho'olawe. It's host plant is Mamaki, the native nettle (Pipturus albida) found on the sides of mountains. The Mamaki plant is depicted on the booklet cover. The $8 stamp (above right) prepays the Same Day rate. It shows the Fabulous Green Sphinx moth (Tinostoma smaragditis). The Hawaiian name is "Wahine Omao" which translates as "Green Woman". It is only found on the island of Kaua'i and is an endangered species, with only a few sightings over the last 100 years. It is a large moth measuring about 3 1/2 inches across. The upper wings are green and sometimes have a black spot on each side (as depicted on the stamp). The lower wings are dark brown. The antennae is very large. The host plant is unknown. A Booklet consisting of 3 panes containing 2 x $2, 2 x $5 and 2 x $8 stamps was also issued. Each pane consists of 2 stamps and has a white margin all around. "© 2003 Hawai'i Post" is printed vertically on the lower right side margin & Hawai'i Security Printers, Honolulu, Hawai'i. is printed on the bottom margin of each pane. The booklet cover is stapled twice at the left side. WE ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS ON ALL ORDERS
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