Hawai'i Post required the prepayment of urgent delivery services using postage stamps. Postage stamps are available to collectors.
Click on any stamp issue below for further details.
For a list of Topical (Thematic) stamps. Click here.
From the seventh issue (January 24, 2001) up until the last issue (May 6, 2014).
2000 - All issues.
2001 - Year of the Snake $8 ms/u/FDC
2005 - Year of the Rooster (all).
No stamps were issued in 2007. Stamp issues resumed in 2008.)
Green means that a special postmark and cover were issued, but no stamps.
May 6. Mushrooms.
April 9. Hawaiian Royalty.
March 1. Birds.
January 31. Year of the Horse.
January 6. Hawai'i Shipwrecks.
December 9. Seaplanes.
November 4. Waikiki Views.
October 7. Corals.
September 2. Queen Lili'uokalani - 175th Anniversary of her birth.
July 27. Korean War 60th Anniversary.
July 6. Parrots.
May 27. Memorial Day.
May 2. Cats.
April 8. Waikiki Architecture.
March 5. Flowers.
February 10. Year of the Snake.
January 3. Senator Daniel Inouye 1924-2012.
December 4. Christmas in Honolulu.
November 2. Waikiki - Then & Now.
October 5. Insects II - Beetles.
September 6. Hawaiian Exports.
August 2. Small Islands of Hawai'i.
July 3. Hawaiian Flowers - Lilies.
May 30. U.S.S. Arizona Memorial - 50th Anniversary.
May 8. The Sandwich - 250th Anniversary.
April 14. Dalai Lama visits Hawai'i.
March 14. Hawaiian Shells II.
February 16. Hawai'i Buoys.
January 23. Year of the Dragon.
December 6. Hawai'i's Renewable Energy Sources.
November 3. Chevrolet Centenary.
October 14. Butterflies II.
September 9. Hawai'i Tour Helicopters.
August 4. President Obama's 50th Birthday.
July 13. Hawaiian Philatelic Society Centenary.
June 21. Hawaiian Lei Flowers.
May 16. Bridges of Hawai'i.
April 14. Hawai'i Phone Cards.
March 8. Herb Kane, 1928-2011.
February 3. Year of the Rabbit.
January 2. Queen Emma - 175th Anniversary of her Birth.
November 23. 75th Anniversary of the First Trans-Pacific Air Mail Flight.
November 1. Koa Wood Crafts.
September 2. Ford Island Field Control Tower.
August 26. Mother Teresa Birth Centenary.
July 9. Dedication of F-22 Raptors. Hawaii Air National Guard.
June 10. Hawai'i On Film.
May 8. Ginger Flowers (Part III in a series).
April 12. Antique Hawai'i Postcards.
March 9. Macadamia Nuts.
February 14. Year of the Tiger.
January 11. Antique Maps of Hawai'i.
November 16. Trump Hotel Waikiki Grand Opening.
November 2. Hawaiian Treats.
October 11. Father Damien Sainthood.
August 26. Youth Hostels Centenary.
August 1. Roses.
July 4. 50th Anniversary of Hawai'i Statehood .
June 4. Paintings.
May 7. Mopeds in Hawai'i.
April 8. Hawaiian Coins (Hawaiian Money Part III).
March 12. Hawai'i Cruise Ships.
January 26. Lunar New Year. The Year of the Ox.
January 20. Inauguration of President Barack Obama.
December 30. 400th Anniversary of the Invention of the Telescope.
December 2. Johnston Atoll. 150th Anniv. of Annexation by the Kingdom of Hawai'i.
November 10. 250th Anniversary of the Birth of King Kamehameha I.
October 6. Hawaiian Birds. (Part III in a series)
August 16. 125th Anniversary of Mutual Telephone Company, Hawai'i.
August 5. Surfboards.
July 3. 170th Anniversary of Hulihe'e Palace.
May 27. Grand Re-Opening.
2007 (No issues)
December 21. Hawaiian Seashells.
November 28. Seahorses.
October 15. Big Island Earthquake.
September 20. 120th Anniversary of the Annexation of Kanemiloha'i by the Kingdom of Hawai'i & the shipwreck of the "Dunottar Castle".
July 2. 150th Anniversary of the "Honolulu Advertiser".
June 15. Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument.
June 11. Kamehameha Day.
May 1. Lei Day.
April 8. 60th Anniv. Last Pan Am Clipper Flight from Hawai'i to California.
March 11. Hawaiian Insects.
January 29. Chinese New Year. The Year of the Dog.
January 4. Tropical Fruit.
December 1. Opening of The Nature Conservancy Research Station on Palmyra Atoll.
October 5. Hurricane Relief.
September 2. 60th Anniversary of the Surrender of Japan at the end of World War II.
August 10. Hawaiian Flowers II - Proteas.
July 18. 125th Anniversary of the Kingdom of Hawai'i Bank Notes (Hawaiian Money Part II).
June 13. Fifth Anniversary of the First Postage Stamps of Hawai'i Post.
June 11. 50th Anniversary of the Princess Ka'iulani Hotel, Waikiki.
April 17. 70th Anniv. First Pan Am Flight from California to Hawai'i.
April 2. Pope John Paul II, 1920-2005.
March 3. Orchids from Hawai'i II.
February 9. Chinese New Year. The Year of the Rooster. SOLD OUT
December 31. 'Iolani Palace 125th Anniversary.
December 15. King Kamehameha III, 150th Anniversary of his death.
November 11. Hawaiian Airlines 75th Anniversary.
October 8. Medicinal Plants of Hawai'i.
August 26. 30th Anniversary of Charles Lindbergh's death on Maui.
August 23. 125th Anniversary of the 'Ukulele.
July 6. Hawaiian Money (Part I in a series).
June 7. Hawaiian Lighthouses (Part III in a series).
May 5. Hawaiian Flowers.
March 19. Centenary of the Waikiki Aquarium, O'ahu and Hawaiian Fish.
February 14. 225th Anniversary of the Death of Captain James Cook at Kealakekua Bay, Hawai'i.
January 22. Chinese New Year. The Year of the Monkey.
December 17. Centenary of the First Powered Flight.
November 12. Royal Orders of the Kingdom of Hawai'i.
November 11. Return of Kaho'olawe to the State of Hawai'i.
October 10. Hawaiian Birds. (Part II in a series)
September 2. 165th Anniversary of the birth of Queen Lili'uokalani.
July 29. Hawaiian Butterflies & Moths.
June 26. Crash of NASA's record-breaking aircraft "Helios" off Kaua'i.
May 10. 130th Anniversary of the Arrival of Father Damien at Kalawao.
April 6. Hawaiian Railroads.
February 1. Chinese New Year. The year of the Ram.
January 29. 225th Anniversary of the Arrival of Captain James Cook in Ni'ihau, Hawai'i.
January 20. 225th Anniversary of the Arrival of Captain James Cook in Waimea, Kaua'i, Hawai'i.
December 12. 125th Anniversary of Kapi'olani Park & 75th Anniversary of the Waikiki Natatorium.
December 3. Special postmark for Christmas and New Year's.
October 21. Hawaiian Lighthouses (Part II in a series)
August 24. Surfing & "Surfboard Mail".
July 4. U.S. Independence Day.
July 3. First Solo Round-the-World Balloon Flight.
June 2. 130th Anniversary of Captain Henry Berger's Arrival in Hawai'i.
April 16. Hawaiian Birds. (Part I in a series)
February 12. Year of the Horse. Chinese New Year. Pa'u Riders.
February 1. 75th Anniversary of the Grand Opening of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Waikiki.
January 31. 150th Anniversary of the First Hawai'i Paddle-Steamship Passenger Service.
December 7. 60th Anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
October 11. Hawai'i Yacht Club Centenary.
October 1. 150th Anniversary of the First Postage Stamps of Hawai'i.
September 4. Hawaiian Orchids.
August 13. Record-breaking flight by Helios above Kaua'i.
June 26. 75th Anniversary of the launching of the "S.S. Malolo".
June 8. Aloha Tower, 75th Anniversary (Lighthouses Part I in a series).
April 22. Earth Day.
March 11. Centenary of the Grand Opening of the Moana Hotel, Waikiki.
January 24. Year of the Snake. Chinese New Year.
December 21. 150th Anniversary of the Opening of the First Post Office in Hawai'i.
(No longer available, as of December 22 2005)
November 13. 150th Anniversary of the birth of Robert Louis Stevenson.
(No longer available, as of November 14 2005)
October 16. 125th Anniversary of the birth of Princess Ka'iulani.
(No longer available, as of October 17 2005)
September 15. 75th Anniversary of Margaret Mead's visit to Hawai'i.
(No longer available, as of September 16 2005)
September 2. 55th Anniversary of the Surrender of Japan at the end of World War II.
(No longer available, as of September 3 2005)
June 13. Centenary of the last day of use of Hawaiian postage stamps.
(No longer available, as of June 14 2005)
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