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March 11th 2006. Hawaiian Insects. Three stamps in a triptych and a mini-sheet were issued on March 11th 2006 which show Hawaiian Insects. The $2 stamp in the triptych (above left) prepays extra charges, such as additional weight. It shows the Kanaha Aweoweo (Plagithmysus spnovum). A chenopodium long-horned beetle. An indigenous beetle with distinct markings on its body. Not much other information is known. The $5 stamp in the triptych (above middle) prepays the Overnight rate. It shows the Koa Bug (Coleotichus blackburniae). This beetle is native to Hawai'i and is found on all the islands. It is also less commonly known as the “stinkless stink bug”. It is green with jewel-like red reflections on its body. It is primarily found on a`ali`i bushes and Koa trees, hence its name. The $8 stamp in the triptych (above right) prepays the Same Day rate. It shows the Hawaiian Happy Face Spider (Theridion grallator). It is native to Hawai'i and the Hawaiian name is "Nananana makaki`i". It has what looks like a Happy Face. They are actually markings on it's body and not connected to it's face. The image on the stamp does not have enough room to show the very long front legs on this spider. It is found mainly on the Big Island on the undersides of leaves in rainforests. It hunts primarily at night for small insects. The happy face pattern is very variable with many different patterns. These variable patterns are thought by many entomologists to be a defensive mechanism to confuse their predators, mainly birds. The outer edges of the triptych are perforated (perf 12). The two vertical divisions between the 3 stamps in the triptych are rouletted (roulette 5). The $8 minisheet (above) prepays the Same Day rate. It shows the same Hawaiian Insects, but in one design with no perforations or roulettes. The special postmark for this issue shows the Hawaiian Happy Face Spider (Theridion grallator). It's long front legs are evident here. WE ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS ON ALL ORDERS
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