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Topical (thematic) stamps issued by Hawai'i Post, listed by topic (theme). Just click on the date of issue of the topic (theme) to see more details.
Please note, that when ordering topicals (thematics) mint or used, you do not need to purchase the whole set. For example, if you just wish to buy the $3 butterfly stamp of April 22 2001, you do not have to buy the $5 porpoise stamps also. Just change the standard order form to reflect what you actually wish to purchase. This does not apply to FDC's which can only be purchased as a complete set.
From the seventh issue (January 24 2001) to December 21 2006 and from 2008 onwards. All of the year 2000 issues are now off-sale, and no longer available. No stamps were issued in 2007. Stamp issues resumed in 2008.
- Airplanes - September 2 2000 $8 - mass fly-by of WWII planes, August 13 2001 NASA's Helios, December 7 2001 $5 & $8 minisheets - Japanese Zero, June 26 2003 Crash of NASA's Helios, December 17 2003 First Flight Centenary, August 26 2004 $8 - Charles Lindbergh, November 11 2004 Hawaiian Airlines 75th Anniversary. April 17 2005 70th Anniversary of the first Pan Am flight from California to Hawai'i, April 8 2006 60th Anniversary of the last Pan Am Clipper flight from Hawai'i to California.
June 10 2010. Plane crash. July 9 2010. F-22 Raptors. November 23 2010. 75th Anniv. First Trans-Pacific Air Mail Flight. May 30 2012. Mitsubishi A6M, Type 0. December 9 2013. Seaplanes.
- Animals - January 24 2001 $5, $8 & postmark - snakes, October 16 2000 $1 - horse, $5 & postmark - peacocks, April 22 2001 $3 - butterfly, $5 - porpoise, booklet cover - Hawaiian Monk Seal, February 12 2002 Horses, February 1 2003 Ram, July 29 2003 Butterflies and moths, January 22 2004 Monkey, February 9 2005 Rooster. December 1 2005 $5 - Coconut Crab, Postmark - Sea Turtle. Dogs, January 29 2006. June 15 2006 $3 Reef Fish, $5 Hawaiian Monk Seal, postmark - Moorish Idol. November 28 2006 Seahorses. December 21 2006 Shells. February 14 2010 Tigers. November 1 2010 Turtle postmark. January 2 2011 Poodle. $6.
February 3 2011. Rabbits. January 23 2012 Dragons. February 10 2013 - Snakes. May 2 2013. Cats.
- Architecture - November 2 2012 Canlis Restaurant, Tiffany & Co, Waikiki Theatre, The Center of Waikiki. April 8 2013.
- Authors - September 15 2000 Margaret Mead, November 13 2000 Robert Louis Stephenson.
- Balloons - July 4 2002 Spirit of Freedom.
- Birds - October 16 2000 $5 & postmark - peacocks, April 16 2002 Birds I, October 10 2003 Birds II, June 11 2005 postmark - peacock. September 2 2005 $5 stamp & postmark - dove. October 6 2008 Birds III. July 6 2013 Parrots.
March 1 2014.
- Bridges - May 16 2011.
- Buoys - February 16 2012
- Butterflies - April 22 2001 $3, July 29 2003. October 14 2011.
- Canoes - June 13 2000 booklet cover, March 11 2001 $8, January 20 2003 $8 minisheet, January 29 2003 $8 minisheet. November 1 2010.
- Cameras - June 10 2010. Movie camera (FDC cachet).
- Cars - June 10 2010. Police car. November 3 2011. Chevrolet cars.
- Christmas - December 3 2002 FDC cachet - Christmas Tree, postmark - Santa Claus. December 4 2012.
- Churches - May 10 2003 $5 - Siloama Church, Kalawao, Moloka'i, $8 minisheet - St. Philomena Church, Kalawao, Moloka'i. October 15 2006 $8 + $1.50 stamp - Kalahikiola Congregational Church, Kapa'au, Big Island.
- Clocks & Watches - January 29 2003 postmark - marine chronometer.
- Clothing & Apparel - September 6 2012. Aloha Shirts $9 minisheet.
- Coins & Currency - July 6 2004 Hawaiian Money I, July 18 2005 Hawaiian Money II. April 8 2009 Hawaiian Coins (Hawaiian Money III).
- Dogs - January 29 2006. Various dogs. January 2 2011 Poodle. $6.
- Education - September 6 2012. University Graduates $6 stamp.
- Electronics - August 16 2008. Telephones. February 3 2011. Television.
- Energy - December 6 2011.
- Explorers - January 20 2003 Captain Cook. February 14 2004 Captain Cook.
- Famous Men - June 13 2000 $1 - King Kamehameha I. November 13 2000 $5 & $8 - Robert Louis Stephenson, $8 - King Kalakaua, October 11 2001 $8 - Prince David Kawananakoa, July 4 2002 $5 - Steve Fossett, August 24 2002 - cachet - Duke Kahanamoku. October 21 2002 cachet - Augustin Fresnel, January 20 2003 Captain Cook, May 10 2003 Father Damien, February 14 2004 Captain Cook, August 26 2004 Charles Lindbergh. September 2 2005 $8 General Douglas MacArthur. May 1 2006 Lei Day. Don Blanding (FDC cachet) . June 11 2006 King Kamehameha I. November 10 2008 King Kamehameha I. December 30 2008 Galileo Galilei. January 20 2009 President Obama. August 26 2009 Richard Schirrmann. October 11 2009 Father Damien. March 8 2011 Herb Kane. August 4 2011 President Obama. May 8 2012 John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. January 3 2013 Senator Daniel Inouye. July 27 2013 General Douglas MacArthur & General Mathew Ridgway.
- Famous Women - September 15 2000 Margaret Mead, October 16 2000 Princess Ka'iulani , November 13 2000 $5 - Princess Ka'iulani , February 12 2002 $8 - Princess Ka'iulani June 11 2005 $8 - Princess Ka'iulani, December 12 2002 $8 - Queen Kapi'olani, October 16 2000 $3 - Queen Lili'uokalani, September 2 2003 Queen Lili'uokalani. August 26 2010 Mother Teresa. January 2 2011 Queen Emma.
- First Flights - November 23 2010. 75th Anniv. First Trans-Pacific Air Mail Flight.
- Fish - March 19 2004. June 15 2006 $3 Reef Fish, postmark - Moorish Idol.
- Flags - December 7 2001 FDC cachet - US flag, July 4 2002 postmark - US flag. July 4 2009. $6 stamp, $9 minisheet and FDC cachet.
June 10 2010. Jolly Roger.
- Flowers - September 4 2001Orchids I. May 5 2004 Hawaiian Flowers. October 8 2004 Medicinal Plants. March 3 2005 Orchids II. August 10 2005 Hawaiian Flowers II - Proteas. May 1 2006 Lei Day . August 1 2009 Roses.
May 8 2010 Hawaiian Flowers III - Ginger. June 21 2011 Lei Flowers. July 3 2012. Lilies. September 6 2012. Anthuriums. $3 stamp. March 5 2013. May 27 2013 Poppies.
- Food & Drink - January 4 2006. November 2 2009. March 9 2010 Macadamia Nuts. May 8 2012 The Sandwich. November 2 2012 Canlis Restaurant.
- Fruit - January 4 2006.
- Germany - June 2 2002. August 26 2009 Altena Castle, Westphalia.
- Handicrafts - November 1 2010
- Hawaiian Royalty - June 13 2000 $1 - King Kamehameha I, October 16 2000 $1, $3 & $5 - Princess Ka'iulani, November 13 2000 $5 - Princess Ka'iulani, $8 - King Kalakaua, October 11 2001 $8 - Prince David Kawananakoa, February 12 2002 $8 - Princess Ka'iulani. December 12 2002 $8 - Queen Kapi'olani, January 20 2003 $8 minisheet & cachet - Hawaiian Chief, October 16 2000 $3 - Queen Lili'uokalani, September 2 2003 Queen Lili'uokalani, November 12 2003 Royal Orders of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. December 15 2004 KingKamehameha III, June 11 2005 $8 - Princess Ka'iulani. June 11 2006 King Kamehameha I. November 10 2008 King Kamehameha I. January 2 2011 Queen Emma and Prince Albert. September 2 2013 Queen Lili'uokalani.
- Helicopters - September 9 2011.
- Horses - October 16 2000 $1, March 11 2001 $5 & postmark, February 12 2002 $5, $8, postmark & booklet cover.
- Hiking - August 26 2009
- Hotels - March 11 2001 Moana Hotel, February 1 2002 Royal Hawaiian Hotel, June 11 2005 Princess Ka'iulani Hotel. August 26 2009 Hale Aloha Hostel.
- Insects - March 11 2006, October 5 2012.
- Jewelry - September 2 2013 Queen Lili'uokalani's diamond brooch.
- Landmarks - June 13 2000 booklet cover - Diamond Head, September 15 2000 cachet - Bishop Museum, Honolulu, October 16 2000 $3 - 'Iolani Palace, $5 - Ainahau, November 13 2000 $5 - Ainahau, $8 - 'Iolani Palace, December 21 2000 $8 & cachet - Customs House & Post Office, Honolulu Harbor, March 11 2001 Moana Hotel, June 8 2001 Aloha Tower, June 26 2001 booklet cover - Diamond Head, August 13 2001 Ni'ihau, October 1 2001 $8 - Customs House & Post Office, Honolulu Harbor. Cachet - "The Polynesian" office, December 7 2001 postmark - USS Arizona Memorial, February 1 2002 Royal Hawaiian Hotel, July 4 2002 Diamond Head, Waikiki Beach & State Capitol, August 24 2002 $3 - Diamond Head. December 12 2002 $5 - Waikiki Natatorium, $8 - Kapi'olani Park, April 6 2003 $5 - Ewa Railroad Station, cachet - Honolulu Railroad Depot, May 10 2003 $8 - Kalawao, Moloka'i, January 22 2004 Chinatown, August 26 2004 "Argonauta" - Charles Lindbergh's house on Maui, December 31 2004 'Iolani Palace, June 11 2005 $8 - 'Ainahau. July 3 2008 - Hulihe'e Palace. December 30 2008 - Mauna Kea Observatories. August 26 2009 Altena Castle, Westphalia, Germany. November 16. Trump Hotel Waikiki. September 2 2010 Ford Island Field Control Tower. January 2 2011 Queen Emma Summer Palace. May 16 2011 Bridges. May 27 2013 Punchbowl Cemetery. September 2 2013 Washington Place.
November 4 2013.
Diamond Head.
- Lighthouses - June 8 2001 Aloha Tower, October 21 2002 Lighthouses II, June 7 2004 Lighthouses III. May 27 2008, $9 Diamond Head Lighthouse.
- Magic - February 3 2011. Rabbit in the Hat.
- Maps - September 2 2000 $5 - Tokyo Bay & Pearl Harbor, April 22 2001 Hawaiian Islands, December 7 2001 $5 - Pearl Harbor, $8 - O'ahu. January 31 2002 $3 & $5 - Hawaiian Islands, June 2 2002 $5 - Germany. July 3 2002 $5 - World, January 20 2003 $5 - Kaua'i & Ni'ihau, May 10 2003 $5 - Kalaupapa Peninsula, Moloka'i, November 11 2003 Kaho'olawe, November 11 2004 $5 - Hawaiian Islands. October 5 2005 $5 Hawai'i, $8 Gulf Coast U.S.A. December 1 2005 $2 - Palmyra Atoll. June 15 2006 $8 Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. September 20 2006 $8 minisheet Kure Atoll. October 15 2006 $5 + $1 stamp - Big Island. December 2 2008 Johnston Atoll. January 11 2010. Ford Island September 2 2010 . May 8 2012 The Sandwich Islands ($9 minisheet). August 2 2012 ($9 minisheet). July 27 2013 Korea. January 6 2014. Lanai (on cachet)
- Marine life - April 22 2001 $5 - porpoise, booklet cover - Hawaiian Monk Seal, March 19 2004 Fishes, July 6 2004 $8 - whale. December 1 2005 $5 - Coconut Crab, Postmark - Sea Turtle. June 15 2006 $3 Reef Fish, $5 Hawaiian Monk Seal, postmark - Moorish Idol. November 28 2006 Seahorses. December 21 2006 Shells. October 7 2013 Corals.
- Medals - November 12 2003 Royal Orders of the Kingdom of Hawai'i.
- Medicine - May 10 2003 Leprosy, October 8 2004 Medicinal Plants.
- Meteorology - October 5 2005 Hurricanes.
- Military Uniforms - September 2 2000 cachet - US & Japanese uniforms. January 20 2003 18th Century Royal Navy uniforms. September 2 2005 US & Japanese uniforms. January 3 2013 $3 Stamp - WWII U.S. Army.
- Money - July 6 2004 Hawaiian Money I, July 18 2005 Hawaiian Money II.
- Moths - July 29 2003 $8.
- Motorcycles, Scooters & Mopeds - May 7 2009.
- Music - December 7 2001 FDC cachet - bugle, June 2 2002 Captain Henry Berger and the Royal Hawaiian Band, August 23 2004 The 'Ukulele. November 1 2010 cachet, 'ukulele.
- Newspapers - July 2 2006. July 4 2009. $9 minisheet and FDC cachet.
- Nudes - September 15 2000
- Orchids - September 4 2001 Orchids I, March 3 2005 Orchids II.
- Paintings & Drawings - January 20 2003 cachet - Hawaiian Chief & a wahine by John Webber, $5 stamp - Captain Cook by Nathaniel Dance, December 17 2003 $8 minisheet - P.G. Lawler. June 11 2006 $8 King Kamehameha I by James Gay Sawkins. June 4 2009.
Various paintings. January 2 2011 $6 Prince Albert. March 8 2011. Herb Kane. May 8 2012 John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, by Gainsborough.
- Plants - April 22 2001 cachet - silversword, September 4 2001 Orchids I, July 29 2003 booklet cover - Mamaki, November 12 2003 Palm tree, May 5 2004 Flowers, October 8 2004 Medicinal Plants, March 3 2005 Orchids II. March 9 2010. Macadamia Nuts. September 6 2012. Coffee $9 stamp.
- Poets & Poetry - November 13 2000 Robert Louis Stephenson.
- Postal History - June 13 2000, December 21 2000, October 1 2001, December 15 2004, June 13 2005.
- Postcards - April 12 2010.
- Railroads - April 6 2003.
- Religion & Religious Figures - May 10 2003 Father Damien. October 11 2009 Father Damien. April 14 2012 Dalia Lama of Tibet.
- Reptiles - January 24 2001 Snakes.
- Sailing Ships & Sailboats - December 21 2000 $8, June 26 2001 cachet - sailboat alongside SS Malolo, October 1 2001 $8, October 11 2001 stamps, FDC cachet and postmark, January 20 2003 HMS Resolution, HMS Discovery, July 6 2004. September 20 2006 $8 Dunottar Castle. May 8 2012. Canoes ($9 minisheet).
- Samoa - September 15 2000
- Scientific Instruments - January 20 2003 postmark - sextant, January 29 2003 postmark - marine chronometer. October 15 2006 $8 + $1.50 minisheet - Seismograph reading. December 30 2008 Telescope.
- Shells - December 21 2006. March 14 2012.
- Ships - June 13 2000 $5 - SS Arawa, September 2 2000 USS Missouri, December 21 2000 $8, June 26 2001 SS Malolo, December 7 2001 USS Arizona, USS California, USS Maryland, USS Nevada, USS Oklahoma, USS Pennsylvania, USS Tennessee, USS West Virginia, $8 minisheet - Japanese aircraft carriers, January 31 2002 SS Constitution, January 20 2003 HMS Resolution, HMS Discovery. September 2 2005 USS Missouri. September 20 2006 $8 Dunottar Castle. March 12 2009 "Pride of America" & "Queen Mary 2".
June 10 2010. Pirate Ship. May 30 2012. U.S.S. Arizona. September 6 2012. Container ship. Cachet. January 6 2014. Shipwrecks.
- Sports - August 24 2002 Surfing, December 12 2002 $5 - Swimming pool, postmark - Tennis.
- Stamps on Stamps - June 13 2000, October 1 2001, December 15 2004. June 13 2005. June 11 2006 $2 KingKamehameha I. March 8 2011.
- Statues & Sculptures - August 24 2002 FDC cachet -Duke Kahanamoku. June 11 2006 $2 & $5 stamps KingKamehameha I. November 10 2008 $6 stamp, King Kamehameha I. August 26 2009 Richard Schirrmann (FDC). January 3 2013 Brothers in Valor Memorial.
- Submarines - December 7 2001 $8 minisheet.
- Surfing - August 24 2002. May 27 2008, $2.50 stamp. August 5 2008. Surfboards. July 4 2009. $9 stamp. April 14 2011. $6 stamp Wind surfing.
- Telephones - August 16 2008. April 14 2011.
- Theatres & Moviehouses - November 2 2012 Waikiki Theatre.
- Tibet - April 14 2012
- Transportation - May 7 2009. Mopeds. September 6 2012. Fork lift truck. Postmark.
- Weather - October 5 2005 Hurricanes.
- Whaling - July 6 2004 $8.
- Wood Carvings - November 1 2010
- World War I - December 12 2002 $5 - Waikiki Natatorium.
- World War II - September 2 2000. December 7 2001. September 2 2005. September 2 2010. January 3 2013
- Yachts - October 11 2001 $5.
- Zodiac signs - February 1 2003 postmark - Aries.
Please note, that when ordering topicals (thematics) you do not need to purchase the whole set. For example, if you wish to buy the $3 butterfly stamp of April 22 2001, you do not have to buy the $5 porpoise stamps also. Just change the standard order form to reflect what you actually wish to purchase.
Click here to order stamps.
